Wednesday we started the class with the review of "Le corps humain/the human body", great job kids, you are fantastic students !
To continue with the human body with did an exercise on p. 14 of "Maternelle", a vocabulary more specific to our head :
- oreille/ear
- sourcil/ eyebrow
- oeil/eye - yeux/eyes
- narine/nostril
- joue/cheek
- lèvre/lip

We, then, study the members of our family :
Grand-père/Grandfather                        Grand-mère/Grandmother
- Père/Father                                              Mère/Mother
- Garçon-Frère/Boy-Brother                       Fille-Soeur/Girl -Sister      
 -                                             Bébé/Baby
 Next, we practice the vocabulary, "Chez Grand-père et Grand-mère" of "First hundred words in French"
Afterward, the alphabet in French was introduced, each letter of the alphabet was accompanied by an example, A   Avion   , B   Bateau,     C   Clown ................Z   Zèbre.

The last 15 minutes of the class we played a game "Vocabulon des petits", a fun game to learn new vocabulary and to associate a picture, and a word to the big landscape.

Homework for Wednesday, October 29: review "La famille"/ The family, a copy of the family tree is in the binder, also in the binder, you'll find a copy "Consignes pour lire tout seul", it's a list of useful instructions to know for each class.

I you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail.
I wish you an excellent week til next Wednesday.
Très bonne semaine à tous,


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