Wednesday we started the class with a review of the colors, they all passed with flying colors !
Afterward, we studied "La main gauche"(left hand), "La main droite"(right hand), I gave the children a drawing of each hand L and R to illustrate the concept of left and right. We applied what we learned by doing the exercise on p. 9 of  "Maternelle", and we walked outside the class to really understand the concept of "Gauche" "Droite". We turn right/droite when told, and then left/gauche when told, an so for.
It's the fall season, so to illustrate the theme, I brought organic apples to the kids, and we studied the apple: LA POMME. The students worked on a couple of exercises related to "La pomme", as well as an exercise "Les fruits de l'automne" : relie chaque mot à son illustration (Connect each word with the picture.
The last 10 minutes of the class, our quiet time, I read a story, the children listened and participated with their cute remarks.

Homework for Wednesday, October 15: listen to the e-book story "Toupie et Binou : Drôle d'Alloween" by clicking to the left on santacruzpl.org, then clik on Kids, after,  click on Read  on the left side,  then click on Tumble book Library  on the right side, click on Choose, on top of the page, (choose français) and click GO, then click on Livres pour enfants, and finally go to the Story "Toupie et Binou : Drôle d'Alloween", and listen to the story. I know,  it's a bit tedious at first, but you'll get it after a couple of tries. Also review the anatomy of the apple/pomme(drawing in the binder).

À la semaine prochaine,

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