The French class started with the review of the son/sound  " é  è  ê" and the correction of the homework, the students did a fantastic work. Bravo children ! We practiced with a little exercise : write the name of the image using the letters that are given.
example : o c h r e r    =   r o c h e r /rock,  I spelled each letter til they wrote the whole word.

We continued the class with the study of the vocabulary "Dans la rue" of the book "The first hundred words in French".

Afterward, we worked on lesson 19 of Maternelle" -Les cadrans-
- Quelle est-il ?/ What time is it ?
- Mets la petite aiguille sur le 8 et la grande sur le 12 : il est 8 heures (Put the small pointer on the 8, and the bigger one on the 12 : it's 8 o'clock), we did the entier dial.
- Il est midi : it's noon time.
Then we practiced with a homemade paper clock (in the binder).

The last quarter of the hour we played a game, a memory game (find the pair of cards and name the picture).

Homework for Wednesday, November 19 : each student has 2 drawings of a clock (in the binder), draw the following time on each clock : il est 9 heures, il est 3 heures, use the correct pointers.

Bonne semaine à tous,

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